DEV Community

Discussion on: Things to Know Before You Start Tailwind CSS

deathshadow60 profile image
deathshadow60 • Edited

You forgot one of the biggest reasons NOT to use tailwind. If you care in the slightest about accessibility, separation of concerns, different media targets, caching models, and semantic markup, it's a train wreck laundry list of how NOT to build a website. A monument to ignorance, incompetence, and ineptitude CREATED by people not qualified to write a single blasted line of HTML!

Just like bootcrap, failwind does nothing but recreate the worst of the HTML 3.2 mindset, given that the difference between:

class="text-white text-center text-large"


<center><font size="3" color="#FFFFFF">

Amounts to exactly two things, and Jack left town. All it does is quite literally implement the outdated outmoded practice of presentational markup using classes instead of tags, dragging us back to the worst of mid to late 1990's practices.

On the "is mankind really this stupid" scale, It ranks right up there with fixed fortifications, hyperloops, ingesting Tide pods, bleach enema's to treat autism, and shoving jade eggs up the holiest of holies for a woman's health. Enjoy your toxoplasmosis ladies!

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ivanbozhkov profile image
Ivan Bozhkov

What a guy

toxictoast profile image

Unbelievable right? 🤣

abr4xas profile image
Angel (AJ) Cruz

Ok Karen...