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Discussion on: How to stay focused 🔍 as a self taught Frontend Web Developer 💻

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Dev8877 • Edited

That's an extremely narrow mindset. I'm currently self teaching. I love it but I get distracted. I like riding and working on my bike, I like watching interesting shows, I work 12+ hours a day and have kids and a million other hobbies. Yes I'm trying to build my career but I also keep making mistakes that sidetrack me and I lose interest because I'm not actually LEARNING anything.. just kinda watching or reading. So I take myself back to where I started and I find that almost boring because I already know it but I know it's not concrete yet.

I don't wanna miss anything and I'm not immature enough to believe I will remember it all but like this article says, I WILL master the basics, problem is sometimes the basics can become repetitive and feel boring while learning them. It's when I put them into practice is when I feel my passion burn again.

I'm not trying to jump down your throat, but to someone coming to this article looking for some sort of validation to pursue their career in development that sees this it could detour them away from wanting to do it because they saw an experienced developer say "if you don't love it all the time then it's not for you"...