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Discussion on: Linux probably isn't for you

developerbishwas profile image
Bishwas Bhandari

Yeah, I know a artist who uses Linux based OS. But guess what he loves being techy. But he does have a windows PC as well, for word processing and video editing.
What do you think about word processing in Linux?

demonicalex6669 profile image
Alex Watson

Honestly even when I was using windows I was using free and open source programs for word processing. I've actually found out since switching that the one I used to use is considered out of date now. So I think I can say confidently that word processing is pretty good on Linux. As for video processing, there's quite a few different programs for that and they all look pretty well developed. The thing about being a Linux user is that the more people that are on Linux and need something the better developed the programs for it will be, because the users get to have real input on the development of them.

I used to use windows, actually I used it all through schooling. But I've switched to Linux and it can do everything I ask it to without problems. If any problems come up it's really simple for me to either Google why or just ask the community. The only time i really had an issue was installing, and that wasn't the os, my computer was so old that trying to wipe and install a whole is corrupted my drive. One new computer later and I have a very useful computer.

That all said I will admit that if your unwilling to use non proprietary programs then Linux isn't for you. There are many good alternatives to almost any program on windows, but if you are unwilling to switch you'll never be happy on Linux

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