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Discussion on: Why I switched to Linux full time

devimposter1 profile image

Agree with you... Although writing this on a Linux laptop the article is super inaccurate. Windows also has package management apps like if that's the way you want to go. Linux the kernel might be lightweight for server but most Linux desktops are not. I currently run out of 12GB of RAM running Ubuntu 20, Windows 10 actually runs faster on this laptop. Linux is developer friendly but so is Windows especially if you've been using Visual Studio and .Net the last 20 years like many companies!! The development mentioned mostly JS runs great on Windows. I like both operating systems for different reasons, if writing an article they should at least do a little research first...

gronkdaslayer profile image

Indeed. Actually, a lot of people (including where I work) use Visual Code as an IDE for their projects (Java, Python, NodeJS). I use it as well for other stuff I do using NodeJS, Go and Rust. If I wanted to do C++, I'd just have to install a plug-in (LLVM, GCC are both available).

Guess who came up with Visual Code? That's right, it's Microsoft. It was made for people who didn't want to buy (or couldn't afford) Visual Studio. That stuff is cross platform and super easy to use.

One doesn't necessarily needs to quit an OS for another cold turkey. With Hypervisors the way they perform nowadays (I use VMWare Workstation) I get to enjoy both Windows and Linux at the same time. No point in bashing one or the other.