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Discussion on: Use Laravel charts in Laravel.

dgloriaweb profile image

Hi, I have laravel 6.5 and there is no app.blade.php or, can you please include what do you need from there since it is removed from latest versions? Using your code, without the I see an ellipse (...) only and an error in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getContext' of null
    at users:11

var ctvChart = document.getElementById('tuownvcasfgpremkbzdxyliqh').getContext('2d');

Thank you.

arielmejiadev profile image
Ariel Mejia

Hi to add the auth scaffold with layouts and all blade files included and authentication feature, you need to add another composer package because the artisan command:


Is not available anymore, I published a post with different ways to get this scaffold again, is very easy, you can see the post here