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Refactoring existing code and rebasing


I was looking at my static site generation tool, cli-ssg and being an open source repository, it had received a couple of commits from contributors. Now while the tool definitely worked as expected, I thought that this was a good moment to refactor the codebase to improve the structure and maintainability of the project.

Refactoring cli-ssg

I started off by creating a refactoring branch from main. I then spent some time looking in the project to find areas where I could improve the code quality.

When I had initiated this project, I decided to go with a module based approach even though at that time it only really supported .txt input. This drastically reduced the refactoring effort as a major portion of the code involving .html generation was already in a separate module called generateHtml.js.

That being said, index.js was looking a bit messy after the pull request for the --config option was merged into main (#18).

The way the options for the input path, output directory, language and stylesheet were being parsed and validated could definitely use some improvement and I decided to refactor the following code:

  .check((argv) => {


        throw new Error("Input path must be a file or directory");

    else if(argv.o != outputDir){
          throw new Error("Output path points to a file. Output directory must be valid")
      else throw new Error("Output directory must be valid");

    else if(argv.c){


          throw new Error("JSON file path does not exist");
        var data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(argv.c));

        if(data.input)      argv.i = data.input
        if(data.output)     argv.o = data.output
        if(data.stylesheet) argv.s = data.stylesheet
        if(data.lang)       argv.l = data.lang

        throw new Error("The passed file should be of JSON format")
    else {
      throw new Error("A config file(.JSON) or an input file is required");

    return true;
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Before I started refactoring, I noticed some problems with the code which were missed during code review:

  • No error handling when reading/parsing the JSON file
  • No validation for input, output options when they were parsed from JSON
  • An unhandled error would be thrown if an output directory path, which did not exist, was passed to the tool.

To fix these problems, I decided to refactor the option parsing and validation process into a new module. The class Options could then be used to store and process options for the tool such as:

input: Input file/folder to be processed
output: Output directory
lang: Language attribute for the html element
stylesheet: CSS stylesheet for the website
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To store and process these, I wrote a class called Options and stored it in configOptions.js.

class Options{
  constructor(input, output, stylesheet, lang){
    this.input = input;
    this.output = output;
    this.stylesheet = stylesheet;
    this.lang = lang;
  static get DEFAULT_OUTPUT(){ return './dist'; }
  static get DEFAULT_LANG(){ return 'en-CA'; }
module.exports.Options = Options;
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Refactoring the config parsing functionality into this new module:

class Options{
   * Parses options using a file path
   * @param {string} filePath 
   * @return {Boolean} true if the options were parsed
      if(path.extname(filePath).toLocaleLowerCase() == '.json'){
        let fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
        let configData;

          configData = JSON.parse(fileContents);
          console.log('Error while parsing JSON: ', err);

        this.input = configData.input;
        this.output = configData.output ? configData.output : Options.DEFAULT_OUTPUT;
        this.lang = configData.lang ? configData.lang : Options.DEFAULT_LANG;
        this.stylesheet = configData.s;

      else {
        console.log("Config file must be JSON!", path.extname(filePath));
    else {
      console.log(`${filePath} not found! A JSON config file must be supplied`);

    console.log(`Options successfully retrieved from ${filePath}`));
    return true;
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Adding methods to validate the options:

class Options{
  //Returns true if the input path is validated, otherwise throws an error
      throw new Error(`${this.input} does not exist. Input path must be a file or directory`);
    return true;

  //Returns true if the output path is validated, otherwise throws an error
    if(this.output != Options.DEFAULT_OUTPUT){
          throw new Error("Output path points to a file. Output directory must be valid")
      else throw new Error(`${this.output} does not exist. Output directory must be valid`);
    return true;
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After I had written the Options module, it was now time to use it in index.js to parse and process the options supplied to the program. Starting off by importing the module:

const { Options } = require("./configOptions");
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With the help of the Options module, I was able to simplify the messy index.js by reducing the options processing from 46 lines to just 12 lines:

.check((argv) => {
    options = new Options(argv.i, argv.o, argv.s, argv.l);

      //Parse and use options from the config file

    //Validate the options
    return options.validateInput() && options.validateOutput();
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Since I was now using a variable called options to store the tool options, all I had to do was to change the arguments for .html generation:

generateHtml(options.input, options.output, options.stylesheet, options.lang);
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And Voila! index.js was looking clean again and everything still worked just like before. The final change I made was to move generateHtml.js and configOptions.js to bin/modules

Organizing changes and rebasing

The refactoring work I mentioned above was done in the form of multiple separate commits. I had a total of 5 commits by the time I had finished:

Fixing the error handling bug introduced by the config feature

Refactor options validation and parsing into a new Options class

Move the HTML generation and tool options module to bin

Refactor paths for options and generate html modules

Improve linting and indentation
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Before I merged these changes into main, I squashed them into a single commit using

git rebase main -i
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I also ended up modifying its commit message to highlight the work done using git commit --amend.
At this point, I just performed a merge on the main branch to integrate the changes from my refactoring branch and pushed these changes to GitHub.

Final commit on main for refactoring work: b406d2f

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