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Discussion on: Explain coroutines like I'm five

didiert profile image
Didier Trosset

Within the last but one code snippet, I was wondering…
Why is there this call to next(coroutine) in the for io in ios loop?

idanarye profile image
Idan Arye

Because Python generators don't do anything when you call the function. They only execute code when you call next (or send) on them (or when you do something that calls their next - like iterating on them with a for loop or making a list out of them)

In [1]: def single_io():
   ...:     print('starting the IO')
   ...:     yield
   ...:     print('processing the IO result')

In [2]: coroutine = single_io()

In [3]: # The coroutine did not actually start yet

In [4]: # It will only start here:

In [5]: next(coroutine)
starting the IO

In [6]:
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