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AppDev 2 Week 3

AppDev Week 3


Always include jQuery when using javascript
be sure to put the jQuery script as the first element before the script

Be careful of javascript asynchronous movement
Many things operate in parallel so be mindful of the code
To stuff like toggle in a function to help

callback functions

jQuery documentation is great

hover above a link is called a tooltip

put tooltips on the bottom of application layout for best effect. if on top, it will error because it runs before the html runs

better is to use $(document).ready(function(){ put in here}) in the head of the application layout

%i is used for creating an array of symbols

regular expressions are a pattern matching language
checks a string against a certain pattern

Pundit has makes sure you get the authorization correct to hide or show parts of the page, theres a chapter on it

policies folders has a place where we can define methods
becomes the one place where we make the policy on who does what

font awesome is a font set that we use for the discover nav bar

validates :recipient_id, uniqueness: { scope: :sender_id, message: "already requested" }

validate :users_cant_follow_themselves

def users_cant_follow_themselves
if sender_id == recipient_id
errors.add(:sender_id, "can't follow themselves")

validate is used when wanting to define our own method for validation

I18n is a class where the purpose is to automatically translate our old app into new languages for different users, multiple languages, make a key and then it changes the language, pulled from devise

dom_id is a helper function that simplifies class name and id number into one string

strip_attributes gem is used for setting parameters for user inputs commands like username creation with no white space etc

  1. add remote: true to link_to functions to break the link
  2. add a response in my respond_to block
  3. update the template with the responses I want

escape_javascript method

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