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Discussion on: 🙏 Please Add .gitattributes To Your Git Repository

doctorderek profile image
Dr. Derek Austin 🥳

Hey Thomas! Thanks for your thoughtful reply.

I agree 100% that the ESLint line ending rule is pointless and dumb. But I find that a ton of open source projects enforce it, while few have .gitattributes files.

So instead of convincing a library to change their ESLint settings, the .gitattributes file (* text eol=lf) absolutely fixes the issue for Windows developers without other changes. For everyone else, it's just pointless.

A common ESLint configuration file errors on prettier/prettier, ala Tailwind:

  "extends": ["prettier"],
  "plugins": ["prettier"],
  "rules": {
    "prettier/prettier": [
        "semi": false,
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If you are using ESLint to enforce Prettier settings, it makes sense. But it will also cause the error. You could fix it by changing the ESLint rule, because it's pointless, but it's easier to add .gitattributes instead, I think.

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doctorderek profile image
Dr. Derek Austin 🥳

To put it another way, you'd never accept a contribution from a Windows contributor using Notepad in the first place, because they can't use Prettier. (OK, they could run Prettier and ESLint manually, but it's just not a realistic development environment.) So since you're already enforcing Prettier to the point of erroring on it, then you might as well force them to download the correct line endings when checking out.

ESLint even recommends .gitattributes over changing the ESLint setting from its default