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Discussion on: Vim for People Who Use Visual Studio Code (Full Article)

drsensor profile image
૮༼⚆︿⚆༽つ • Edited

Thanks for writing this post. I'm currently in the process of migrating from VSCode to Vim to preserve more RAM and teach myself about langserver-protocol.

I use LangaugeClient-neovim + completor.vim as my daily driver. Avoiding coc.nvim because it depend on nodejs.

I'm still searching on something similar to "autocomplete as you type" but don't depend on any interpreter/runtime (pure binary executable).

codenutt profile image

Interesting! Any reason why you are avoiding nodejs? I think most autocomplete plugins are going to require some type of runtime, but I could be wrong.

drsensor profile image

For simple application, nodejs has a bigger memory footprint than python or lua. Also, by default, nodejs is not pre-installed in most of Linux distribution. But that's not the main case.

  1. If I use typescript langserver, then there will be 2 nodejs running at the same time. One for coc and the other is for tsserver. And if I use webpack hot-reload for developing an app, then there will be 3 nodejs running at the same time.

  2. Vim 8 and Neovim has their own asynchronous job control. So why not leverage those. This means that the lsp-client will share the same runtime as vim, no duplicate runtime.

Recently I found this article that explain about vim-LSC. The project is quite new and I'm not testing it yet, but it's interesting that there is an lsp-client written in pure vimscript.

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codenutt profile image

Interesting. Thanks for the info! I would prefer not to run 6 node servers either lol I haven't had any issues with Coc, but I definitely see your point.