DEV Community

Discussion on: A short comment on comments in the code

drstrangelooker profile image
Dr. Strangelove

This is dumb advice if taken literally. 99% of code comments may be useless. But the comment that says "this seems like it should be done more easily with this other feature, but bug-NNN forced us to do this" can save a lot of work in the future.

paulknulst profile image
Paul Knulst

Honestly, these comments that say please refactor are the worst.

Please avoid them in a team. Use your Repository Tool (Bitbucket, GitHub, Gitlab, etc) to add a comment within the tool and add an issue/ticket as soon as possible to fix the bug.

Using comments instead of refactoring/fixing the code is one of the worst things to do.

It will lead to unreadable, not maintainable code. Because if you do it once, you will do it everywhere. And instead of having clean readable code you will have old, wrong, buggy, not-optimized functions within the whole codebase. And then you fix one bug and will create multiple others because you did not read the comments... ALL comments because you never know where a lazy developer has done such a thing...

Please, don't do that.

Never... Really... Never