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Hiring process: should I review some candidate's code looking for errors or potential for being better?

Daniel Tamai on April 16, 2019

My experience is that it is much more common to look for errors when reviewing code submited by a candidate during the hiring process, things like:...
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Dian Fay

You didn't mention what benefits led your organization to adopt an interview "code review" process so different from your day-to-day process, what it demonstrates about the candidates, or what insights it offers you into how they think and model and decide. Can you come up with any?

I can't.

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Daniel Tamai

I don't think we had this conversation about the why. I talked to some colleagues about this and I realized that I learn more about ourselves than about the candidates, how we think. Not the point of the interview...

Yeah, I also can't come up with anything this process offers us.

Thanks for the reflection!