liner notes:
Professional : Had a couple of meetings to start off the day. Started working on my project. Took a look at the community board and went down a rabbit hole helping a person. Helped them get it working, but realized the day was basically over.
Personal : Went through Bandcamp and picked some projects that I'll pick up later. Worked on my side project, looked at some land and went to sleep.
Going to purchase tracks on Bandcamp and get put together some social media posts. Oh, and I got the slide show component for my side project "working". Need to do some refinement, but it's working. Think I'm going to do a quick detour to make a demo to explore some technology that I've been learning about and want to use in a future side project. Looks like it's going to rain. Let me get started on my night.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /
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