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Discussion on: Deploying your Laravel + MySQL application on Heroku

eduardonwa profile image
Eduardo Cookie Lifter

Bro, i think this is one of the BEST laravels tutorials I have ever found on this site. Thank you, however I have a question regarding the faker, I get a "fakerphp/faker": "^1.9.1" instead of "fzaninotto/faker": "^1.9.1", is this the same thing but maybe you have another kind of faker??

doougui profile image
Douglas Pinheiro Goulart

Oops, sorry for the wait, I did not see your comment. So, looking at the official "fzaninotto/faker" GitHub repository, it seems like the project was archived. The creator has written a blog post about this. You can check it out here:

doougui profile image
Douglas Pinheiro Goulart • Edited

I just saw that fakerphp/faker is really a fork of the archived fzaninotto/faker repository, as I suspected.

faker github repository