DEV Community

Discussion on: I think there is too much to learn in programming

egilhuber profile image
erica (she/her)

Programming is kind of like medicine that way - there's a LOT to learn, so you only really learn what you need to. From there, you learn how to find information you're looking for.

Once you get the overarching concepts down (design patterns, oop, clean code, etc), putting together quirks and specifics of individual languages isn't that bad. If you know how to do something in one language, you can then use that knowledge to hunt down how to do it with a different language (or find something better!).

I'm going to assume you're a beginner with no roadmap. There are tons of resources out there to help you get started. I'd recommend figuring out what type of development you want to do (web, backend, gaming, etc), maybe find a stack you like (i.e. MERN), and start hunting for "beginner roadmap for [what you want to learn]".

Remember, we all started with Hello World.