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Discussion on: Migrating your React app from Webpack to Vite

ekeijl profile image
Edwin • Edited

Great article! Could you add some info about production builds, difference in timing? When using Webpack, the production build often takes longer due to minimization. Would be interesting to see some statistics for Vite.

Another helpful Webpack feature is aliases, that prevent long absolute paths, e.g.

// instead of
import x from '../../../components/x';
// you write
import x from '@components/x'; 
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I see Vite has a plugin for it.

wojtekmaj profile image
Wojciech Maj • Edited

Thanks for the kind words!

Regarding performance - Vite uses esbuild under the hood, and esbuild caused quite a commotion in the industry when it was released.

Enough has been written on this matter so I'll just quote.

Vite pre-bundles dependencies using esbuild. Esbuild is written in Go and pre-bundles dependencies 10-100x faster than JavaScript-based bundlers.

wintercounter profile image
Victor Vincent

Most of the time building for prod isn't spent on transpilation. That's why OP is asking. I'm using SWC with Webpack which is even faster than ESBuild, yet prod builds take much longer due to optimizations like minification, tree-shaking, bundle chunks, etc...

jamesthomson profile image
James Thomson

While Vite uses ESBuild during development, it actually uses Rollup for bundling production builds, so the comparisons should be between Webpack & Rollup as ESBuild doesn't weigh in here.

yaireo profile image
Yair Even Or

You can also set up aliases in Babel (and not Webpack) using the module-resolver plugin