DEV Community

Discussion on: Make C++ Great Again (now for Web)

eljayadobe profile image

I thought your prior post and this follow-up post are very good.

Provocative statements, which made me think about things. Those things I posted about, prior. And a nice follow-up answering my non-rhetorical questions. :-)

I'm a programming languages wonk. However, I don't have enough practical experience with Go or Rust. I have decades of practical experience with C++, and profess a love-hate relationship with C++.

In my experience, 95% of most AAA-titled programs can be written in a "safe" language. The 5% of the program that has to be absolutely as performant as possible can be written in an appropriate highly performant language.

My current project is 80-90% C++, if one counts lines-of-code. But all-in-all, it uses about 30 different languages. (I consider C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++ as different languages. I consider EcmaScript 3, EcmaScript 5, EcmaScript 6, ExtendScript, ActionScript as different languages. I'm considering pre-standard C++, C++98, C++11, C++14 as the same language. I consider DSLs such as GLSL as a different language.)

A different team wrote 95% of their highly performant AAA-title program in a scripting language. The last 5%, the performant core, was written in C (...but only because the principle developer for that last 5% loves C and loathes C++).

Right tools for the job. Alas, most projects use the tools that are most familiar rather than most suitable. And yes yes yes, familiarity with a language by the dev team is a point in favor of that language as being suitable. But only one point. Developers can pick up a new language, ramp up and become productive in it in a very short order - a few months. I've seen that over-and-over again.