DEV Community

Discussion on: Tips on Keeping a Long-Running Programming Career

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Michiel Hendriks • Edited

I am completely opposed to the idea of working hard. This is bad!

You do not live to work. Working hard is a way to burn out, to become miserable, etc.
The most successful people just worked. Maybe 40 hours a week, probably less. Maybe 8 hours a day, probably less. The rest of the time they spend on living. Spending time with their family and friends, spending time on their hobbies (which could be programming).
Are these we people rich and powerful? A lot of them probably are, but most of them are happy.

Working hard mostly benefits the owners, not the employees. Working generally results in worse and worse results. If working hard is required to grow in a business, then it's probably a carrot they hold in front of you. Because the next step in that business will require you to work even harder.

If there is a way you should work then it is working effectively. Everything you do should be effective. Obviously if the effect is negative you should stop. Once your work is positive effective you can try to make it efficient, if needed.

Also don't work smart. Working smart will make things hard in the future. Working smart is being clever or cutting corners. This rarely ever pans out in software development.

I have been programming for 25+ years; full time professionally for almost 15. Working hard generally resulted in be exhausted, and then less effective thereafter. Working smart resulted in hard work days/weeks/or months down the line.
You can compare working hard with drinking beer. It has negative effects afterwards. But at least with drinking beer you usually have fun while doing it.

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John Au-Yeung

One thing we have to know that programming is so useful that we can find other ways to make money with it.

You're right. This is why we should think outside the box, unlike most people.

However, there's better with being an employee (maybe).