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Emmanuel Chikwendu Onah
Emmanuel Chikwendu Onah

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How to Dynamically Validate Form Input Using RegExp and Object Evaluator | RegExp | Form Validation

Welcome to my dynamic form validation tutorial using object evaluator.

Note: this tutorial is not for RegExp but to help you understand the best use case of “[ ]” to access object properties.

Quick information: there are two possible ways to access an object which includes:

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But the question here is what is the best use case?

The answer is: use the "dot" syntax when you want to access a property directly(that is static) and use the square bracket when you want to access a property dynamically. Dynamically means the property to be accessed changes as the user changes the value. E.g:

const STAFF_NAMES ={

const getStaffName=staffKey=>{
   return STAFF_NAMES[staffKey]
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Below example is simply one of the dynamic ways to access properties

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Link to the complete code on how to dynamically validate your form using RegExp and object evaluator syntax.
Click Me

Quick note: the form validation could be performed in many ways e.g:
By validating each of the inputs which is a pain to developers.
By Looping through the inputs element and accessing their type or name, then deciding on the validation. But I bet you, that will cause a time-complexity issue.
The best solution is provided here by me: Click Me

Quick Explanation

The most important thing inside the code is at line 13, that’s where the evaluation and validation happens.

So this RegExp[] is what enables the dynamism. This is a javascript syntax for object/variable evaluation. Also, if you are from React community you definitely have come across dynamic input value-handling to state by simply doing this:

///So this is simply same thing(evaluation).

Thanks and have a wonderful day.

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