DEV Community

Discussion on: How not to quit

enriquemorenotent profile image
Enrique Moreno Tent

I despise and hate this post. It is demoralizing and makes me nothing but sad. It is zero-constructive and will make readers in similar position (and I have been) even more sad.

I wished I could down-vote this article.

michaeltd profile image

I understand what you are saying but it's stated in the title ... "How NOT to quit".

sandordargo profile image
Sandor Dargo

Thank you for your comment, I appreciate your opinion.

I agree that this story can easily be interpreted sad. It was not great for the team either. But don't forget, this is also life. Life is not - only - about happy fairy tales. We cannot experience the light without having felt the dark around us.

enriquemorenotent profile image
Enrique Moreno Tent

I don't care what the title says, or what is life about. It made me feel bad about myself, even though I have quite a lot of self esteem. I don't even want to imagine how could affect this post, to newbies or unsure people.