DEV Community

Discussion on: Speed up multi-stage Docker builds in CI/CD with Buildkit’s registry cache

epicserve profile image
Brent O'Connor


My build runs for about ten minutes and then I get the following error during the export.

2021-01-15T15:39:05.4205121Z #32 exporting cache
2021-01-15T15:39:05.4206496Z #32 sha256:2700d4ef94dee473593c5c614b55b2dedcca7893909811a8f2b48291a1f581e4
2021-01-15T15:39:05.4207322Z #32 preparing build cache for export
2021-01-15T15:40:37.6531312Z #32 preparing build cache for export 92.2s done
2021-01-15T15:40:37.6532282Z #32 writing layer sha256:15ad4c058791b2553c6ac51a06d58da729216367debede67e23bfb1887a6afe9
2021-01-15T15:40:39.4543043Z #32 writing layer sha256:15ad4c058791b2553c6ac51a06d58da729216367debede67e23bfb1887a6afe9 1.8s done
2021-01-15T15:41:59.4811151Z #32 writing config sha256:b0fe7df00fcf5dd735567d810bf193e80433cb00659ffc1e8b09aa97f18ccd14
2021-01-15T15:42:00.2316716Z #32 writing config sha256:b0fe7df00fcf5dd735567d810bf193e80433cb00659ffc1e8b09aa97f18ccd14 0.8s done
2021-01-15T15:42:00.2318570Z #32 writing manifest sha256:d2b65e39c62a5ac4acc922292dd268a186e8286b74456287b7c0fbe457402efa
2021-01-15T15:42:00.6394612Z #32 writing manifest sha256:d2b65e39c62a5ac4acc922292dd268a186e8286b74456287b7c0fbe457402efa 0.5s done
2021-01-15T15:42:00.6397257Z #32 ERROR: error writing manifest blob: failed commit on ref "sha256:d2b65e39c62a5ac4acc922292dd268a186e8286b74456287b7c0fbe457402efa": unexpected status: 400 Bad Request
2021-01-15T15:42:00.6399515Z ------
2021-01-15T15:42:00.6401048Z  > importing cache manifest from
2021-01-15T15:42:00.6402102Z ------
2021-01-15T15:42:00.6402665Z ------
2021-01-15T15:42:00.6403216Z  > exporting cache:
2021-01-15T15:42:00.6403855Z ------
2021-01-15T15:42:00.6405992Z error: failed to solve: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error writing manifest blob: failed commit on ref "sha256:d2b65e39c62a5ac4acc922292dd268a186e8286b74456287b7c0fbe457402efa": unexpected status: 400 Bad Request
2021-01-15T15:42:09.9011793Z ##[error]Process completed with exit code 1.
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I'm using the following for the build:

  name: moby/buildkit Build w/ registry cache
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Docker Login
      run: aws ecr get-login --no-include-email
    - name: Build
    run: |
      export CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
      export BRANCH_SLUG=$(echo $CURRENT_BRANCH | sed -r 's/\//-/g')
      export DOCKER_COMMIT_HASH_TAG=${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/foo:${{ github.sha }}
      docker run \
      --rm \
      --privileged \
      -v `pwd`:/tmp/work \
      -v $HOME/.docker:/root/.docker \
      --entrypoint \
      moby/buildkit:master \
      build \
      --frontend dockerfile.v0 \
      --local context=/tmp/work \
      --local dockerfile=/tmp/work \
      --output type=image,name=${DOCKER_COMMIT_HASH_TAG},push=true \
      --export-cache mode=max,type=registry,ref=${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/foo:${BRANCH_SLUG}-buildcache,push=true \
      --import-cache type=registry,ref=${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/foo:${BRANCH_SLUG}-buildcache
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Any ideas on what is wrong? I should mention that the registry I'm using is AWS ECR. "############" means it was redacted.

epicserve profile image
Brent O'Connor

It's looking like I'm running into AWS ECR not supporting cache manifest lists.

epicserve profile image
Brent O'Connor

Switching to using Github's registry for the cache manifest and then pushing the final build images to AWS ECR worked.