DEV Community

Discussion on: Surviving the Linux OOM Killer

erlkonig profile image
Alex North-Keys • Edited

I toyed with that command a bit - I wanted to get the RSS and username in there, keep the sort, and include how many procs were included and skipped. Something like (fewer than 30 procs are shown due to trimming):

#                              OOM   OOM   OOM  
#     User     PID       RSS Score ScAdj   Adj  Command (shown 30, omits 945)
  someuser   17098  13056696   198     0     0  /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -cont
  someuser    5972   3645740    55     0     0  /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -cont
  someuser   17040   2668760    40     0     0  /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -no-r
  someuser    5898   2342168    35     0     0  /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -no-r
      root    4974   1531488    24     0     0  /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -nolisten t
  someuser   15283    433544     9     0     0  /usr/bin/java -Dosgi.requiredJ
  someuser    6014    133240     2     0     0  /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -cont
  someuser    6094    171836     2     0     0  /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -cont
  someuser   26043    101524     2     0     0  emacs 
  someuser    1889     70088     1     0     0  xterm -name XTerm8 -tn xterm-2
  someuser    3607     64096     1     0     0  xterm -name XTerm8 -tn xterm-2
  someuser   11903     99368     1     0     0  python 
  someuser   17166    111764     1     0     0  /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -cont
  someuser   32529     44736     1     0     0  xterm -name XTerm8 -tn xterm-2
  postgres   30473     66132     1     0     0  postgres: checkpointer process
      root    2388     41156     0  -500    -8  /usr/bin/dockerd -H unix:// 
      root   20036     24344     0  -900   -15  /usr/lib/snapd/snapd 
  message+    1605      4100     0  -900   -15  /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system 
  postgres   30448      7220     0  -900   -15  /usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pos
      root   28818      3032     0 -1000   -17  /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd 
      root   30988      2832     0 -1000   -17  /usr/sbin/sshd -D 

Here's the result. Whether this is an argument for or against bash syntax is an exercise for the reader. The cat/tr calls can probably be obviated :-)

#    Displays running processes in descending order of OOM score
#      (skipping those with both score and adjust of zero).

contents-or-0 () { if [ -r "$1" ] ; then cat "$1" ; else echo 0 ; fi ; }

    header='# %8s %7s %9s %5s %5s %5s  %s\n'
    format="$(echo "$header" | sed 's/^./ /')"
    declare -a lines output
    IFS=$'\r\n' command eval 'lines=($(ps -e -o user,pid,rss))'
    shown=0 ; omits=0
    for n in $(eval echo "{1..$(expr ${#lines[@]} - 1)}") ; do # 1..skip header
        case "$line" in *[0-9]*)
            set $line ; user=$1 ; pid=$2 ; rss=$3 ; shift 3
            oom_score=$(    contents-or-0  /proc/$pid/oom_score)
            oom_adj=$(      contents-or-0  /proc/$pid/oom_adj)
            oom_score_adj=$(contents-or-0  /proc/$pid/oom_score_adj)            
            if [ -f /proc/$pid/oom_score ] && \
               [ 0 -ne $oom_score -o 0 -ne $oom_score_adj -o 0 -ne $oom_adj ]
                output[${#output[@]}]="$( \
                   printf "$format" \
                          "$user" \
                          "$pid" \
                          "$rss" \
                          "$oom_score" \
                          "$oom_score_adj" \
                          "$oom_adj" \
                          "$(cat /proc/$pid/cmdline | tr '\0' ' ' )" \
                (( ++shown ))
                (( ++omits ))
    printf "$header"   ''   '' '' OOM   OOM   OOM ''
    printf "$header" User PID RSS Score ScAdj Adj \
        "Command (shown $shown, omits $omits)"
    for n in $(eval echo "{0..$(expr ${#output[@]} - 1)}") ; do
        echo "${output[$n]}"
    done | sort -k 4nr -k 5rn
