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[Deepgram x DEV Hackathon Submission Post Placeholder Title]

I'm sure you'll have used a chat app that allows sending voice messages, but what happens when you don't have enough time to listen to important voice messages or probably you are in a noisy area, would you rather save the voice message for later or you'd prefer to read the text transcribed format?
Or probably the person's accent is quite strange, would you rather hear the audio over and over again or you'll play the audio and easily read along when the word being said is highlighted?

So after imagining this scenario, I taught about creating a chat app that could solve this problem by both transcribing the audio file and highlighting the word being said.

Groupcon gif

Overview of My Submission

Groupcon is a web application specially designed for group conversations and has different functionalities, one of the major functionality includes sending audio messages and the audio message text transcription.

Read as you hear
You can check out the live demo on by signing in and creating a group.

Submission Category:

Accessibility Advocates

Link to Code on GitHub

Link to the backend.
Link to the frontend.

Additional Resources / Info

You can always check out the Readme to know more...

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