DEV Community

Discussion on: Do you store your local development config in the cloud?

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Paulo Renato

I am a huge fan of using Docker for any thing I need for development...

When I say anything I include text editors like Sublime or Visual Studio Code. I also have dockerized Browsers, Postman, MySQL workbench, Android Studio 3, just to name a few.

So my strategy is to build docker stacks for all the programming languages I work with and then I add and extend them in each project I work.

My computers are not MAC but others using vanilla Ubuntu installations where I install docker, docker compose, git and almost nothing else more, thus when I need to upgrade OS is dead simple. Maybe you can use more Docker in your MAC???

In each computer I need to work I just download a github repo that install all this in a bin folder to be accessible in my path, as any other linux tool... The repo is still a work in progress, but you can get an idea of it here and you can see all my current docker images here and here and finally the Elixir Docker Stack.