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Discussion on: Web Development is for Beginners

ezemans profile image
Ezequiel Mansilla • Edited

"HTML is like insanely easy and kids too can learn it", I've always listened this words from people who can't make a pixel perfect layout or resolve a css bug. HTML and Css isn't bootstrap.

kitarp29 profile image
Pratik Singh

Thank You reading my Article 😊

rad_val_ profile image
Valentin Radu

Well, "difficult" can have many nuances. It's easy when compared to other disciplines like data science, distributed systems, computational mathematics and so on (at the same level of proficiency)

kitarp29 profile image
Pratik Singh

Thank You reading my Article 😊

athomsfere profile image
Austin French

HTML and CSS is insanely easy.

You can learn the basics in a couple hours and ship a decent enough product.

Becoming proficient however, is a very different situation. Especially if you are still for some reason supporting users on Internet Explorer, or 4k devices and budget Android devices with low resolution screens.

kitarp29 profile image
Pratik Singh

Thank You reading my Article 😊

ishiku_ultra profile image
Sam Goodnight

My lord, I wish this was more clear when I started... I truly believed this due to it being a common conception on blogs etc. So I dove headfirst into C++, Python, JS, C, etc. Expecting to get the "hard stuff" out of the way first. I love programming back end! Especially creating custom Node.js environments. When it came time to just "pick up" CSS and grab a front end job... Well, the dissapointment was real.... I found CSS a lot harder to be fluent in than it was represented as. I know brilliant back end devs who couldnt style a page with CSS to save their lives.

kitarp29 profile image
Pratik Singh

I too like Back-end Much more Front-end😊.
I have just added the last point because I have more opportunities for front-end devs as fresher in a company than a fresher back-end dev.

kitarp29 profile image
Pratik Singh

Thank You reading my Article 😊

filipeqm94 profile image
Filipe Marques

CSS has it's tricks. I started with Web Dev and learned CSS and HTML together and even though I can and have already made a few websites, I still struggle a bit with CSS, not gonna lie, but it is fun.

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kitarp29 profile image
Pratik Singh

Thank You reading my Article 😊

ezemans profile image
Ezequiel Mansilla

You've lived it and it's true. I used to have a lot of devs coworkers whom avoids coding css tasks because "it's easy, I can do harder things" hahaha.
Html and Css arquitecture could be a nightmare if you don't have good level.

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kitarp29 profile image
Pratik Singh

Thank You reading my Article 😊