DEV Community

Discussion on: Use Kool to Dockerize Your Local Development Environment the Right Way

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Fabrício José Souza

Using Docker is awesome, but we felt there's a gap of knowledge on how to use it for local development envs in an efficient manner - several common and recurring problems people face - which should benefit from this abstraction layer that Kool stands to be. Stefan Nastic's comment and article refers exactly to that (in a comment above).

I use to say that Docker is a tool for managing containers... and Kool is a tool to help you manage Docker containers for development environments! Basically helping you look at it more from an application development standpoint, than simply learning and mastering containers, the technology itselt. This should help bring even more people to adopt and leverage it rather sooner than if they didn't have this abstraction layer.

However, I totally get your feeling when faced with such abstraction to something you probably already knows proficiently... and one of the main values we defend is to balance abstraction to ease in adoption of any team and team member with less/no experience with Docker... while maintening everything excplitly and open source there, right in your project, ready for tweaking/customization by the DevOps/Docker experts in the team! We hope we can make senior DevOps to see that... what do you think about this point of view?

Not to mention that adopting standards by itself, to have a streamlined DX (developer experience) amongst different apps/frameworks, we believe will save time and help teams be more productive - just like it has helped us for the last couple of years. Less hassle with environments, more time to focus on the app itselt.