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Discussion on: Async material autocomplete in Angular

federicopenaranda profile image
Federico Peñaranda

Practical and easy to follow code, thanks!. Question, what's the use of "!" in "this.form.get('name')!"?, I tried the code and I get an TSlint error "Forbidden non null assertion (no-non-null-assertion)", I understad that it might be to check if the field exists, but maybe we can do it in a different way to prevent that warning?. Cheers.

tomwebwalker profile image
Tomasz Flis

Well, small hack could be:

    const nameControl = this.form.get('name') as AbstractControl
    this.countries$ = nameControl.valueChanges.pipe(
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But In this situation, I am telling code that I am sure about my name control because it is hardcoded.

agborkowski profile image

just skip it, as linter saying its a mistake ;) I'm fighting with the loading spinner, but wont work with angular 10, and markDetectionChange :)