DEV Community

Discussion on: American Communications Companies Appear to Be Under DDoS Attack

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

all of this conspiracy thinking is hard on your brain and makes you forget to KISS everything (keep it simple stupid). T-Mobile just bought _ Sprint and is currently _integrating the two networks, which are based on completely different standards.

Benefit of being "old": you have direct memory of the various "who broke the Internet" events of the 90s and early 2000s when a lot of integration and consolidation activities were going on. "Why's AOL offline?" or "why is everything going through MAE-East falling on the floor?" followed by "someone pushed a bad route-map while standing up a new datacenter or backhaul".

djsullenbarger profile image
David Sullenbarger • Edited

That's one way of looking at it, though I'm pretty sure this would have been obvious to me (and my peers) if it happened 20 years ago. This is why I cringe when I hear the term 'front-end' (or 'back-end') developer.

imo, if you want to be useful you need to understand everything at least on a basic level (it's not hard .. just time consuming )and I consider this to be basic