DEV Community

Discussion on: Best Redux Architecture

fibo_52 profile image
Gianluca Casati

I started using React and Redux since 2015 everyday in production. I loved Redux. This year, in 2021 I changed my mind: now I do not use Redux anymore, I think that the effort done by the Redux Toolkit maintainers was huge but they overcomplicated the tool.

Now I go for the useReducer React hook, I think it is closer to the initial Redux idea that made me think in 2015 "how I love this tool, I am going to use it to build every webapp".

In Redux Toolkit, in particular typings is overcomplicated, I gave up trying to type a Middleware.

In general this is a topic related also to React itself, the more the API is simple clear and flexible, the more people will keep using React... please do not repeat the same error with Redux Toolkit that is so complicated and opinionated, Keep It Simple!

.... or you Redux Toolkit maintainers are still in time to trying to simplify it, come on! How can you create a TypeScript generic with more than 2 arguments!