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Blockchain for the enterprise: An opportunity or just smoke?

Before entering this analysis I must say that I am a newcomer to this technology. Surely I can make some precision error. Take this article as the opinion of a layman in the matter who intends to cease to be.

With the emergence of the Internet, society interconnected, communications revolutionized the social landscape, instant messaging, social networks or smartphones are results of an evolution of this tool. Its main objective: to communicate computers over long distances. Those are some of the results, but the philosophical debate that has to guide the evolution of the tool is still there, and some of the questions that are most related to the blockchain are the following: Why should we trust a company that operate on the Internet? Why, if I put my bank account, they will not charge me improperly? Why should I trust that news that someone posted on your blog?

As you can see, the Internet has brought many advances but there is still a way to go. Blockchain is called to be one more method that changes the way we interact. If the Internet changed the way we communicate, blockchain promises to change the way trust is generated.

The volatility of financial markets, the distrust generated by some multinationals, pharmaceuticals, food or even the textile sector with their well-known brands, can be questioned. Why do we trust that if we buy a garment of a certain brand, we trust that it is original, it is made of high quality raw material and they have employed workers with adequate social rights? These are not minor issues. In fact, our society suffers a crisis of confidence. If you are interested in this philosophical debate and you want a deeper and specialized analysis, David Pastor Vico in "La soledad de los pájaros" dissects the subject very well.

I don't know if blockchain will eventually improve the methods that human societies need to build and gain trust. If it will serve to create those clans that protect the individual from that annihilating loneliness. Hopefully we can write that Killer App that, like email, replaced postal mail, revolutionizing our society. What I am convinced of is her need. But I have my doubts. I have seen one and a thousand times how humans choose inappropriate alternatives while having the truly necessary ones at hand.

With the arrival of this century we have become very impatient. We intend to conquer great challenges in a very short space of time. But this is not so. Lately there have been a lot of great changes, but each of them continue to simmer. Are we so unaccustomed to seeing a good "puchero" that we do not distinguish steam from smoke cooking from the special effects of the marketing industry?

I suppose that I also have that crisis of confidence, although I must admit that I have some illusion. There are quite a few brands working on this story. From banking multinationals to small Startup specialized in the subject. A very large diversity of companies and sectors working on this blockchain. That hope is what pushes me to be thinking about this matter all the time and with which I have already been able to involve some people.

If you want to know a little more about the technical details, the possibilities it offers for your company or how society can benefit from this technology, be sure to visit the Introduction to Hyperledger course. Especially chapter 5 in which he speaks precisely of all this.

And if you feel like continuing this story, let's keep in touch. I would be delighted to be able to continue this debate.

Health, strength and joy!

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