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Discussion on: What is Git and Github? | Git vs GitHub

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Snehit Sah

Agree with your point.

I'll share a personal anecdote to explain why sometimes such comparison is necessary. I had to take an informal workshop about Git & GitHub with college freshers. I spent about half an hour explaining what are commits, branches and why we need Git. Then I was asked a question - "When are we going to start the workshop?" I did a quick exchange with the students and got to know that they did not know about Git at all. They knew about GitHub only and were waiting for me to open GitHub on my browser and "start the workshop".

I think the there is a slight confusion among new coders because GitHub lets you do some basic stuff that you normally would do locally using Git. (making changes to file, adding files, deleting files etc)

While I do believe Git & GitHub need to go hand in hand, I have also started making the differences clear to anyone who seeks help from me.