DEV Community

Discussion on: ProjectMan🦸 is here! Add projects to favorites and open them from command line

francisprovost profile image
Francis Provost

Nice idea! Good job! 💪

It would be nice if, when you open a project, it cd to the folder too maybe with an argument or something like that

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

So from nodejs I am calling exec('code /path/project') to open project so similar thing will not work for cd as it is executed in the separate shell. So apparently to achieve something that you mentioned I would have to write a shell script and somehow call it from nodejs which would be super hacky way of doing it.

Also, Thank you so much for reading this!

francisprovost profile image
Francis Provost

It would indeed be really hacky and hard to be cross-platform

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

Hi, In v1.2.0 I added the ability to cd to the folders. You can substitute pm getpath command inside cd and it will show you list of projects and you can select and cd to it. Usually it is cd $(pm getpath) or cd $(pm gp) or cd $(pm gp [projectName]) (It won't really cd till the folder when you pm open though)