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Furkan Gözükara
Furkan Gözükara

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How to Extract LoRA from FLUX Fine Tuning Full Tutorial + Comparison Between Fine Tuning Extraction vs LoRA Training



  • As you know I have finalized and perfected my FLUX Fine Tuning workflow until something new arrives

  • It is exactly same as training LoRA just you load config into the DreamBooth tab instead of LoRA tab

  • Configs and necessary explanation are shared here :

  • Currently we have 16GB, 24GB and 48GB FLUX Fine-Tuning / DreamBooth full check point training configs but all yields same quality and just the training duration changes

  • Kohya today announced that the lower VRAM configs will get like 30% speed up with Block Swapping technique algorithm improvements, hopefully

  • It has been commonly asked of me how to extract LoRA from full Fine-Tuned / DreamBooth trained checkpoints of FLUX

  • So here a tutorial for it with comparison of different settings

  • In this post, Image 1–5 are links to full images so click them to see / download

How To Extract LoRA

  • We are going to use Kohya GUI

  • How to install it and use and train full tutorial here :

  • Full tutorial for Cloud services here :

  • The default settings it has is not working good

  • Thus look at the first image shared in the gallery and set as it is to extract your FLUX LoRAs from Fine Tuned / DreamBooth trained checkpoints

  • Follow the steps in as in the Image 1

So you what can change?

  • You can change save precision to FP16 or BF16, both will halve the size of the saved LoRA into disk

  • Are there any quality difference?

  • You can see comparison in the Image 2 and I didn’t notice any meaningful quality difference

  • I think FP16 is more close to FP32 saving

  • Another thing you can change is setting Network Dimension (Rank)

  • It works as much as up to 640 and above gives error

  • The more the Rank you save, it is more closer to the original Fine Tuned model, but it will take more space

  • You can see Network Dimension (Rank) comparison in the Image 3

How To Use Extracted LoRA

  • I find that giving 1.1 strength to extracted LoRA makes it more resembling to the original Fine Tuned / DreamBooth trained full checkpoint when Network Dimension (Rank) is set to 640

  • You can see full LoRA strengths comparison in Image 4

  • If you use lower Network Dimension (Rank), you may be need to use higher LoRA strength

  • I use FLUX in SwarmUI and here full tutorial for SwarmUI

  • Main tutorial :

  • FLUX tutorial :


  • With same training dataset (15 images used), same number of steps (all compared trainings are 150 epoch thus 2250 steps), almost same training duration, Fine Tuning / DreamBooth training of FLUX yields the very best results

  • So yes Fine Tuning is the much better than LoRA training itself

  • Amazing resemblance, quality with least amount of overfitting issue

  • Moreover, extracting a LoRA from Fine Tuned full checkpoint, yields way better results from LoRA training itself

  • Extracting LoRA from full trained checkpoints were yielding way better results in SD 1.5 and SDXL as well

  • Comparison of these 3 is made in Image 5 (check very top of the images to see)

  • 640 Network Dimension (Rank) FP16 LoRA takes 6.1 GB disk space

  • You can also try 128 Network Dimension (Rank) FP16 and different LoRA strengths during inference to make it closer to Fine Tuned model

  • Moreover, you can try Resize LoRA feature of Kohya GUI but hopefully it will be my another research and article later

Image Raw Links

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