DEV Community

Adobe Experience Manager: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Fyresite on January 22, 2020

Story by Lauren Lively. On January 13, Adobe made that announcement that Experience Manager will now be a part of their cloud service, Adobe Exper...
adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

In my entire career, I have never disliked a piece of software as much as this CMS, its so incredibly unfriendly to developers and was the bane of my existence for 2.5 years. I know the ins and outs of this proprietary piece of ... and I am so glad I will never have to work with it again. But what I do appreciate is the jackrabbit filesystem. Because AEM is a series of cobled together technologies berly coherent. That is my opinion don't at me haha, I'm just saying good bye. (I have a new job)

fyresite profile image

Yes, Experience Manager is a complicated piece of software to learn. After talking with multiple developers who use it, I've found that only a select few really enjoy AEM. What is your preferred software to use?

Thanks for the comment!

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

I think this software appeals to companies that don't care about thier developers, I'm not talking about small companies ether this thing is needlessly expensive in a time that CMS's are free and analysis is free and reselling aws is unbelievable but Adobe gets away with it. I could go on.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Let's see, I like headless cms's like contentful and graph CMS. It's a different paradigm.

magalhaes profile image
André Roberto Figueiró de Magalhães

Thanks for the article, really shows a good presentation on what AEM is about. I've been starting off with AEM at my new job. Totally see your points in every aspect of it. Thanks for bringing a broader sight into the topic :D

fyresite profile image

Glad you liked the article!

tinatenatean profile image

Great article. As a long-time full-stack website developer tasked with getting up to speed in AEM, I've found the learning process intimidating and frustrating.

For example, there seem to be so many different versions floating out there with different instructions on how to get acclimated as a developer. Versions 6.x seem to use CDXLite, while it's not exactly clear to me what AEM for the Cloud uses. Even with some of sample site templates on GitHub, I feel overwhelmed and lost.

Any recommendations for how best to get a good basic development foundation in learning the backend?