DEV Community

Gabriel Toma
Gabriel Toma

Posted on • Originally published at

Lead by Listening

The leaders who've had the biggest impact on me weren't just great at their job - they were exceptional at listening. They knew can't solve a problem unless you truly understand it. And understanding starts with listening. This applies beyond just one-on-one conversations. It's about listening to the whole team. Helping them when they need it, be there when they call.

Leadership isn't about being the loudest in the room. It's about elevating others. Leaders who don't listen? They're not leading, they're just talking. If you make it all about yourself, you lose. You won't last. The ones who listen? They grow with their team.

The more you invest in others, the more you grow too. When they achieve something big, it's not just because of you, sure, but you had a hand in guiding them on their path. And that's the real win.

Don't lose sight of that.
Stay connected. Keep growing.

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