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Discussion on: Node vs PHP

ganey profile image

Depends on the usage. I regularly work with Node, PHP, go and python for managing backend, each has benefits and flaws.

While I prefer nodes package management, I keep getting screwed by package updates that won't download or compile.

PHP composer is just slow compared to node/yarn (yarn comes with its own issues when you're automating deployments)

Typescript is generally a must, I hate reading new code with braces and arrows everywhere to the point where I can't figure it out.

I'm mostly a PHP dev but do debugging and IoT work in node environments.

Python and Go are just for gluing everything together 😁

tracker1 profile image
Michael J. Ryan

If you aren't targeting Windows for deployments.. using docker where you use the build order, you can get some version layer calling and fewer issues in practice for ci/CD... I try to update all packages and test about once a month to reduce friction though.