DEV Community

Networking as a developer - Why and How?

George on March 23, 2019

Let's start with the elephant in the room, what actually is networking? Networking is about creating a shared bond with someone, having ...
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Moya Richards

I am starting to learn Swift and I would love to get to know a few IOS mobile application developers
I believe in having a strong support system for every language that I am interested in.
Sometimes I have minor issues and I just wish I had someone to talk to briefly about it.

By the way, if anyone reading this, feels about JavaScript the way I feel about Swift, where you need access to peers, I have worked tirelessy on my JavaScript community of over 104k members, so feel free to take advantage of that.

I am seeking ways to reinforce my learning so if you know about some of the best communities to meet Swift developers, please let me know.

tobiushirogeri profile image
Alex B.

This reminds me, I REALLY need to focus on networking this year. Been wanting to do this but didn't know where to start. Thanks for the heads up!