DEV Community

Discussion on: I finally took the dive into live-coding!

georgeoffley profile image
George Offley

Following now. Usually when I do live streams of modeling in Blender or something I go in completely cold. However that always works against me because the stream ends up just me thinking out loud into the mic (I think too much). So going in with notes and a blueprint really help.

I can't wait to see the next stream!

lacanlale profile image
Jonathan Lacanlale

no way, you stream? Whats your link, I'd love to see!

georgeoffley profile image
George Offley • Edited

Here's my twitch link:

I don't stream often, however I want to start getting more regular with it. I'm usually hosting Bob Ross or one of my friends. We get drunk and Play D&D once a week, so that's fun.

I want to start doing a stream once or twice a week. It's just tough to find the time.