
Cover image for Lookalike App with React
Gerwin Jo
Gerwin Jo

Posted on

2 2 Lookalike App with React


Today, I would like to post my very first project on This project is called lookalike app. The purpose of this project is to implement API on React.


Here are the example of my project so far.

  • Get Articles from API
    Alt Text

  • Get Detail Articles from API
    Alt Text

Table Of Contents


First thing first.

  • Install React App with npm.

npm i create-react-app <name_project>

  • Install Library on React. (I use React Hooks, React Icons, Reactstrap (Bootstrap), React LazyLoad, React Markdown)

npm i bootstrap reactstrap react-lazyload react-icons react-markdown --save


There are 3 components such as: API, Menu, and Articles.

  • API You can find API in settings and put it into your app. Locate the API in separate folder called api .
  • Menu You can find Menu in headers in component folder. There are 2 menus, header and sidebar .
  • Article You can find 2 group of articles, called ArticleComponent and DetailArticleComponent .

How it Works

The first step is making Card component. You can find Card on reactstrap. Use props in CardComponent to pass the value.

The second step is make fetch data from API. useState and useEffect are important to fetch the data from API. Once it done, add map to iterate every value on article.

The third step make them available in App.js by import the page and pass them into App.js.

Finally, make the same procedure for retrieve the detail. I use ID in every articles for detail. Do the same thing.


For details, you can visit my repository.
Demo Code

I hope this is just the beginning of my projects. Looking for next features.

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