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Discussion on: Litmus Tests in Tech

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Garrett van Wageningen

Such a great job of framing the issue. I love apply, I wish people knew it so I could use it. But is add.apply(null, [10, 20]) more readable or understandable than const [x, y] = [10, 20]; add(x, y) or some other variant? Maybe, maybe not. It depend on who you're working with! And if I'm being honest, it probably isn't more readable in any situation. And only once in a blue moon do I use it.

Then the functional vs OO, and promise chain vs async await is so great. I caught myself thinking, "but async await is more imperative. Even if it is the new shiny!" And there lies the problem.

This is a great article. I'm going to keep it in my back pocket the next time we do an interview.

Aside: putting together a good interview seems to be an art in itself, I'd love to hear some new ideas in that space