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Discussion on: Working On My First Projects (would love some feedback)

gioelefrapolli profile image
Gioele Frapolli

To start off I would say that for an aspiring web developer you did a great job overall on all 5 projects you showed here.
They all have a pleasant look, great colors, they're easy to navigate and they seem to adapt well on mobile 👍.

More in depth:

#1. Tribute page
I like the B/W choice here, it gives that feel of history (very personal opinion though), it is very well summarized and moreover there's a link to a more in depth article at the bottom for those who want to learn more about the topic.
I would have personally fixed the navigation bar at the top, like you did for your 3rd project, and maybe increased the font by a couple pixels.

#2. Survey page
Like others that left a feedback I don't have much to say about this project, it is very well put together, nice colors, easy to understand and heck it even has required fields checks. It is good looking on mobile too 📱.
If I really must point something out is that I did a quick test for accessibility and it showed for example some of the colors you have chosen as foreground did not pass the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) for the color ratio with the background they have. I did't go in depth on it but I guess it was the gray color of the placeholder text for the input fields that is too light, which usually it is like that by default so I'm not sure.
And please, please, please, take it as an advice for the future not a critique or something you did bad, I just think it is important to be aware of accessibility and to adopt it at the beginning of each and every new project.

#3. Product landing page
Again wow, I would buy for sure a product with a landing page like this one.
It goes Straight to the point, it is easy to understand and summarize the key values of the product.
Here I would have personally collapsed the navigation bar as an hamburger menu on mobile.

#4. Technical documentation page
I love the initial page that's supposed to give a quick hint on what the documentation is about. Like all your projects it is nicely done and well put together.
Within this project I would collapse the buttons into images, like twitter, or again create some sort of hamburger menu on mobile because you can see the text struggling to stay within the menu boundaries, especially with small screens. Might also add smooth scrolling effect when clicking the "Getting started" button, I think it would be a nice added bonus.
Also I would have some lines between each topic to visually have a break between them, for example like this one:

#5. Personal portfolio page
I will just say that it is well balanced. Not much text, only the essential information is shown for each section of the page and some external links to other personal profiles are provided for those who are interested.
Again I would implement some collapsed menu for the mobile but here I want to say that's just a personal preference because even on small screens it fits very well and it is pleasant to see.
If you plan to use this as your portfolio, I would suggest you to implement a contact form instead of directly displaying your information on the page. I think it is a better solution that adds a privacy layer, even if a little one, between you and anyone who contacts you for the first time. I saw you're still intensively learning javascript so there's time for this last tip and I'm sure you already took it in account.

⚠️ Of course I can't stress this enough, my feedback is purely made of tips and/or improvements that might be useful to you and by all means are not meant to diminish your work and/or to correct it in any way using either the "I'm right, you're wrong" or the "I'm more experienced so I'm right" mindset.

Keep up the great work you're doing and don't stop learning, it is a wonderful thing.

marulucenat profile image

I can't tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you took the time to write recommendations about each one.

About the second project, thank you for pointing out the issue with the color ratio, it is something that does concern me, in the future I really want to make sure my websites are accessible for everyone.

I really wish at that time I knew how to make a hamburger menu because I totally agree it would have looked better (I'm learning how to do it now).

I assure you I will take all of your recommendations into account as I continue to learn more and slowly add improvements to the projects 😊