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Discussion on: Which Frontend Framework Would You Use For an Ecommerce Storefront?

gjorgivarelov profile image

As an owner of an online store, I chose a vendor based on the steapness of their learning curve. The less buttons I had to toggle, the better it looked to me. It took few hours to set up the store on SquareSpace, it wasn't painless but it definitely takes shorter time than building one on my own from scratch. From scratch also means customized- yes, but you'll quickly learn that standardized look sells waaaaay better than the custom one.
I am the producer of the items sold on my store, the photographer, the market research, the social media contact, the customer service, the business owner and not to forget the day job I still have otherwise this web store of mine would not exist. I can't also be the webmaster, security expert and developer- I have to focus on the business itself...
So whenever you set out to build a web store for someone else, mind that number: the number of toggles to press. The less there are, the better it'll look to your customer.

shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

That’s a good perspective. I agree that it’s important to minimize the number of steps and buttons, to make the navigation from one place to another faster, and to provide an intuitive experience where people can easily find what they need.

Building a custom store doesn’t have to be from scratch though. There has been a lot of open source work that allows you to take something already existing and turn it into your own vision with a few tweaks. You’ll find that a hassle with most enterprise solution and might require a lot of workarounds.

justkeithcarr profile image

Hi Shahed. Mind me which templates you tend to look at?

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shahednasser profile image
Shahed Nasser

Not sure what templates you mean

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justkeithcarr profile image
Keith • Edited

Oh I saw you spoke on templates and I thought you might of actually used a few.