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Breaking up with my mouse (Mac edition)

Grant Sander on October 20, 2018

I'm all about being more productive as a developer, so I'm trying to force myself to spend less time moving my right hand from my keyboard to my mo...
arunsathiya profile image

Excellent tips here, Grant! I did try Alfred as well in the past, for Workflows, but I didn't stay. While it's really nice, I find Keyboard Maestro to be easier to use. I've been a Keyboard Maestro fan for a few years.

I will be trying out your tip on key binding though! ⚡

gksander profile image
Grant Sander • Edited

Awesome! I'll have to check Keyboard Maestro out - from their website, it looks pretty powerful!

Edit: Woah! Thank you SO much for introducing me to KM. I've had it open for 5 minutes, and can already replicate both the Spectacle and Alfred features I outlined in this post.

arunsathiya profile image

I just realised Spectacle is very helpful with one particular purpose in my case - when I connect my Mac to an external display, most app windows are seen to be overblown and are overflowing from the available screen space.

This app helps solve just that with the Fullscreen view shortcut!

jeikabu profile image
jeikabu • Edited

I mapped Caps Lock to ctrl because I use it far more than option. That then has the similar affect as what you then do in "mission control" (caps+?).
I use Windows a lot as well so I did the same thing there (requires editing registry). For extra sanity, if you use MS Remote Desktop enable "use Mac shortcuts" in its preferences.

miku86 profile image

my touchpad had some issues last year on Ubuntu,
so I had to use the keyboard more often.

My custom shortcuts:
Super + R to open terminal, doing all kind of stuff there, especially ohmyzsh is a great tool to navigate between folders.
Super + C to open Firefox
Super + T to open Thunderbird
Super + W to open Calculator
Super + LeftArrow to put window to the left half of the screen
Super + RightArrow to put window to the right half of the screen
Super + UpArrow to maximize window

In Firefox/Chrome:
Ctrl + Q to quit
Ctrl + W to close current tab
Ctrl + T to open new tab
Ctrl + Tabto go to next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab to go to last tab
Alt + Tab to jump between programs
Alt + ^ to jump between program instances

In VSCode:
Ctrl + Shift + ´ to open integrated terminal
Ctrl + Shift + 5 to split integrated terminal
Ctrl + B to show/hide sidebar
Ctrl + Shift + E to open explorer in the sidebar
Ctrl + Shift + G to open git in the sidebar

dandevri profile image
Danny de Vries

Remapping the Caps Locks key to ctrl is one of the first things I do when I setup my MacBook. I set moving spaces to ctrl+j/k so I can easily switch spaces while having my fingers resting on the home row.

robertcoopercode profile image
Robert Cooper

Nice, just remapped my Caps Lock key! I will try to find some good uses for it now :D

If you're a person who has lots of tabs open and wants to be able to switch jump between them easily, there is a cool extension that allows you to bind a keyboard shortcut to a "tab search bar" where you can easily search for one of your open tabs.

1ak31sha profile image

Use karabiner elements...

a12o profile image
AL • Edited

Quicksilver [look at triggers]