Hey there! ๐ After exploring OpenGraph fundamentals in our Making OpenGraph Work series, let's dive into building a complete, production-ready OG image system. I'll share what I learned while building this for gleam.so.
System Overview ๐บ๏ธ
First, let's look at what we're building:
interface OGSystem {
generator: {
render: (template: Template, data: InputData) => Promise<Buffer>;
optimize: (image: Buffer) => Promise<Buffer>;
cache: {
get: (key: string) => Promise<Buffer | null>;
set: (key: string, image: Buffer) => Promise<void>;
storage: {
upload: (key: string, image: Buffer) => Promise<string>;
getUrl: (key: string) => string;
Key Requirements:
- Fast generation (<500ms)
- Consistent rendering
- Error resilience
- Cache optimization
- Cost-effective scaling
Technical Implementation ๐ ๏ธ
1. Core Generation Service
// services/og-generator.ts
import { ImageResponse } from '@vercel/og';
import sharp from 'sharp';
export class OGGenerator {
async render(template: Template, data: InputData): Promise<Buffer> {
try {
// 1. Prepare template
const element = await this.prepareTemplate(template, data);
// 2. Generate image
const imageResponse = new ImageResponse(element, {
width: template.width,
height: template.height,
// Performance optimizations
emoji: 'twemoji',
fonts: await this.loadFonts(),
// 3. Get buffer
return imageResponse.arrayBuffer();
} catch (error) {
console.error('OG Generation failed:', error);
return this.generateFallback(template, data);
async optimize(buffer: Buffer): Promise<Buffer> {
return sharp(buffer)
quality: 85,
progressive: true,
force: false,
compressionLevel: 9,
palette: true,
2. Caching Layer
// services/og-cache.ts
import { Redis } from 'ioredis';
export class OGCache {
private redis: Redis;
private ttl: number = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; // 1 week
async get(key: string): Promise<Buffer | null> {
try {
const cached = await this.redis.get(key);
return cached ? Buffer.from(cached, 'base64') : null;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Cache fetch failed:', error);
return null;
async set(key: string, image: Buffer): Promise<void> {
try {
await this.redis.set(
} catch (error) {
console.error('Cache set failed:', error);
3. API Implementation
// pages/api/og/[key].tsx
export const config = {
runtime: 'edge',
export default async function handler(req: Request) {
try {
// 1. Parse request
const { searchParams } = new URL(req.url);
const template = searchParams.get('template');
const data = JSON.parse(searchParams.get('data') || '{}');
// 2. Generate cache key
const cacheKey = generateCacheKey(template, data);
// 3. Check cache
const cached = await cache.get(cacheKey);
if (cached) {
return new Response(cached, {
headers: getImageHeaders(cached),
// 4. Generate new image
const generator = new OGGenerator();
const image = await generator.render(template, data);
const optimized = await generator.optimize(image);
// 5. Cache result
await cache.set(cacheKey, optimized);
return new Response(optimized, {
headers: getImageHeaders(optimized),
} catch (error) {
console.error('OG API failed:', error);
return new Response(await generateFallback(), {
status: 500,
Performance Considerations โก
1. Caching Strategy
interface CacheStrategy {
layers: {
edge: EdgeCache; // Vercel Edge Cache
application: Redis; // Redis Cache
cdn: CloudflareKV; // CDN Cache
policies: {
ttl: number; // Cache duration
stale: boolean; // Serve stale content
revalidate: boolean; // Background refresh
2. Resource Optimization
// services/resource-optimizer.ts
export class ResourceOptimizer {
// Preload common fonts
private fontLoader = new FontLoader([
{ name: 'Inter', weight: 400, style: 'normal' },
{ name: 'Inter', weight: 700, style: 'normal' },
// Optimize images
private imageOptimizer = new ImageOptimizer({
jpeg: { quality: 85 },
png: { compressionLevel: 9 },
webp: { quality: 85 },
// Memory management
private memoryManager = new MemoryManager({
maxSize: '1GB',
cleanupInterval: '5m',
Monitoring & Debugging ๐
1. Performance Monitoring
// monitoring/performance.ts
export class OGMonitor {
async trackGeneration(key: string, timing: Timing) {
await this.metrics.record({
name: 'og_generation',
value: timing.duration,
tags: {
template: key,
cache: timing.cached ? 'hit' : 'miss',
error: timing.error ? 'true' : 'false',
2. Error Tracking
// monitoring/errors.ts
export class ErrorTracker {
async captureError(error: Error, context: Context) {
// 1. Log error
console.error('OG Error:', {
stack: error.stack,
// 2. Track in monitoring
await this.monitor.trackError({
type: 'og_generation_error',
// 3. Alert if critical
if (this.isCritical(error)) {
await this.alertTeam(error);
Future Improvements ๐
Advanced Caching:
- Predictive pre-generation
- Smart cache invalidation
- Regional edge caching
- WebAssembly optimization
- Worker thread pooling
- Resource preloading
- A/B testing support
- Analytics integration
- Custom fonts handling
Try It Yourself! ๐ฏ
I've implemented all these principles in gleam.so. And for Black Friday,
๐ฅ Current deal: 75% OFF all paid plans
Perfect timing to grab your favorite designs ๐จ
Want to see the system in action? Drop a comment with your use case, and I'll help you implement it!
This is part of the "Making OpenGraph Work" series. Check out the Making OpenGraph Work series for more OG image insights!
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