DEV Community

Discussion on: So you're the family tech support

godbleak profile image
GodBleak • Edited

Your family doesn't need a VPN service to protect them online- unless they're living under an oppressive government. In the western world, VPN services are nothing more than security theater, using fear mongering to scare the public into buying their service.

We need to stop promoting VPN services as the cure-all to online safety, because they're not.

They'd have you believe that the content of your internet traffic is exposed, it's not. The only thing exposed is the domain name, if you're using SSL. And I'd bet nearly 90+% of your families traffic is using SSL.

And if your concern is about your ISP spying on you, well all you've done is place your trust in a company not bound by the same responsibilities as an ISP and their upstream ISP- both of whom may not even be in your country. If they abuse that trust, there may be nothing your local authorities can do.

The only real advertising points of a VPN service is

  • maybe the ability to access geo-restricted content.
  • they'll help you avoid legal consequences for piracy.

At the cost of network performance plus whatever the actual monetary cost is.