DEV Community

Discussion on: Zig Makes Go Cross Compilation Just Work

gogo profile image

Does this support cross compiling from linux to darwin? I can't make it work.
I followed your script workaround, except I swapped -target x86_64-linux with x86_64-macos.

I run:
GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=darwin CC="zcc" CXX="zxx" go build -buildmod
e=c-shared -o test.dll

And I get the error:
/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: running zcc failed: exit status 1
warning: unsupported linker arg: -headerpad
warning: unsupported linker arg: 1144
warning: unsupported linker arg: --compress-debug-sections=zlib-gnu
Cannot open /tmp/go-link-029541769/go.o: bad relocation (no atom found for defined symbol) in section TEXT/text (r_address=5024, r_type=1, r_extern=1, r_length=2, r_pcrel=1, r_symbolnum=620)
error: FileNotFound

kristoff profile image
Loris Cro

Generally speaking, yes, Zig can also crosscompile for macOS. You might have encountered a bug in Zig or maybe it's a problem related to the dll file you're providing (IIRC ARM M1 macs need position independent code, for example).

I recommend trying with a recent build of Zig (you can get nightlies from the official website) and if it's still broken there, then open an issue on GitHub.