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Discussion on: How To Build Rest API With NodeJS, Express, and MySQL

gosan profile image
GOsan • Edited

Emm i need support for issue
after post localhost:3331/api/v1/users
with password and confirm_password the same value still not create a new user?

juliest88 profile image
Julia Strichash • Edited

Hi, I was able to reproduce the error you saw.
Since it's a POST method, all the parameters should be sent as part of the body.
In the request you prepared, all the parameters were part of the headers, which caused the error to occur.

You didn't get errors in all the other parameters because they already existed in the request object (req.headers), but I checked req.body.password for the password validation and therefore you got an error (because the body was an empty object, without the password property).

There really needs to be a verification that all the parameters have been entered in the body parameter and not somewhere else.

In the userValidator.middleware.js file, we can use the body function instead of the check function (from the express-validator library).
This way we're only going to check the req.body.
I updated the code.

In any case, if you put all the parameters in the body, as I described in the image, it won't be a problem to create a user with the parameters you entered.