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Discussion on: Stop Using .env Files Now!

gregorygaines profile image
Gregory Gaines • Edited

Sounds like more work in my opinion. With a config server, there is no need to trust the "2 devs" since the server has permissions and access restrictions so only permitted devs can add secrets without viewing existing ones.

I don’t think it’s overly cautious, it’s being modern. There is no mountain of steps. Whitelist your application and use the config url like the examples in the article, easy and no pain in the buttocks.

Please re-read the article, I explained how easy recovery (roll backs) and development time is simplified using a config server. I COULD use a .env file and take steps to secure it, or I could live in 2022 and use a config server with permissions, auth, versioning, real-time updates, and an audit trail for extra security.

Personally I don’t want my secrets being stored in a glorified text file.

Thanks for the comment!

trizz profile image

Personally I don’t want my secrets being stored in a glorified text file.

So you store them at an external company? What if they are down, or have a data breach? (They are a bigger target than most of the websites). I'd like control over my secrets and not be dependent on third parties for such important stuff, and storing them in a .env is perfectly fine with the precautions and correct configuration mentioned by @ravavyr

Also, those services are not free. True, you can self-host HashiCorp Vault, but that costs also money.

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gregorygaines profile image
Gregory Gaines • Edited

True, nothing is full proof. But that's why we choose techniques or companies that gives us the best guarantees.

Also no matter how secure you keep that .env file, you are giving someone FULL view of all secrets whenever its updated.

The services I listed have free tiers. HashiCorp can be self hosted for free forever, Google Cloud has a free tier for 6 secrets, AWS has a generous free tier for storing configs in parameter store.

If you don't want to go with an external company and want full control over your secrets, thats fine. There are free, open-source, or self-hosted alternatives. There's Spring Cloud Config, Github Secrets (if you trust the company enough), or roll your own.

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teamradhq profile image

I think the point that @tristan is making rather well is that your recommendation is just increase the surface area of your vulnerable systems.

The mindset that doesn't even trust employees with private information would deem providing that information to a third party (especially a faceless tech company) to be less secure than, keeping it contained within a closed system that is completely under their control.

The arguments you're offering for using a third party to host private information are actually the arguments against using such services. They are the weak points: If a system is compromised, it's almost certainly due to leaky abstractions like this...

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gregorygaines profile image
Gregory Gaines • Edited

It's an increase in surface area, but with the benefits I listed above.

Its not distrusting employees, it's being safe and following a secure practice. I don't know about faceless companies, I mentioned Google, AWS (which is the leading in the market for cloud) and other credible companies which provide a config service. I may be a little bias since I am a Google employee.

And if thats the case, why trust anything? Why host private code on Github or deploy on Digital Ocean? Its for the ease and guarantee.

I also mentioned open source config servers that you can host or deploy yourself.

If a system is compromised, most likely its from using bad practices...

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badpractice profile image
Bad Practice

DigitalOcean with firewall configurations is the problem solver. Only SSH works on my IP and only Cloudflare can access the HTTP directly. My name literally says "trust me".

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gregorygaines profile image
Gregory Gaines

What happens if your service expands and you have to share common secrets across different teams?

Do you just copy and past the file or use a centralized config?

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badpractice profile image
Bad Practice

I could very well say let's use Github/DigitalOcean for secrets and containers, but I work by myself and I have one project that runs about 20 servers (API's, webhooks, crons, etc.) with each having different slightly different .env's. I code in Rust instead of PHP or JS in the backend, so I'm more concerned with supervisor's configuration more than the actual env.

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stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

@tristan If you're having serious infrastructure you're already relying on external providers (whether it's AWS, GCP or Azure) so using different service for secrets doesn't make much difference.

ashleyjsheridan profile image
Ashley Sheridan

But, how do you access your config server? At some point, there are credentials being held somewhere? If someone has access to your server where the code is deployed (which they must do if they can access your .env files) then they can also do what they will with your code to access whatever you have held in a config server.

Interesting, your screenshots are specifically from the Google offering, and you didn't disclose in this blog post that that is where you work.