DEV Community

Discussion on: Stop Using .env Files Now!

gregorygaines profile image
Gregory Gaines • Edited

It's an increase in surface area, but with the benefits I listed above.

Its not distrusting employees, it's being safe and following a secure practice. I don't know about faceless companies, I mentioned Google, AWS (which is the leading in the market for cloud) and other credible companies which provide a config service. I may be a little bias since I am a Google employee.

And if thats the case, why trust anything? Why host private code on Github or deploy on Digital Ocean? Its for the ease and guarantee.

I also mentioned open source config servers that you can host or deploy yourself.

If a system is compromised, most likely its from using bad practices...

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badpractice profile image
Bad Practice

DigitalOcean with firewall configurations is the problem solver. Only SSH works on my IP and only Cloudflare can access the HTTP directly. My name literally says "trust me".

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gregorygaines profile image
Gregory Gaines

What happens if your service expands and you have to share common secrets across different teams?

Do you just copy and past the file or use a centralized config?

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badpractice profile image
Bad Practice

I could very well say let's use Github/DigitalOcean for secrets and containers, but I work by myself and I have one project that runs about 20 servers (API's, webhooks, crons, etc.) with each having different slightly different .env's. I code in Rust instead of PHP or JS in the backend, so I'm more concerned with supervisor's configuration more than the actual env.

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stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

@tristan If you're having serious infrastructure you're already relying on external providers (whether it's AWS, GCP or Azure) so using different service for secrets doesn't make much difference.