DEV Community

Discussion on: Why there is so much hype around doing things in JavaScript?

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Gert Sønderby

Front-end development is as uncomplicated today as it has been in the 17 years I've done it. 2000-vintage front-end was a mess of IE6 with perfunctory nods to Netscape compatibility, zero standards being in effect, and harsh limits on what was possible, all coded mainly in a plethora of server-side languages that were more or less suited to it. Ask me about the time I did a CGI script in ML, some time.

Today? Today if you know one language, you know web. JavaScript will see you through the database (Mongo, Couch, etc.), the server (Node) and the client (browsers, Electron, React-Native, etc.). All with a consistent structure, event-based activity, functional programming available, and standardized constructs. Browsers have largely been standardized to the point of high interoperability, and the rest is handled quite easily with libraries and polyfills.

So why the hype? Because we're basically in Heaven these days.